Saturday, March 12, 2011

Broke down today and started crying?

I have no close friends at school. I'll sit at a lunch table and start warming up a conversation, and people just look at me either smile or shake their heads. Sort of irritating. But one place I do have close friends is on the bus. I have a best friend and some other friends but I had certain problems today. Here's the reasons why I broke down. Firstly, I just moved to a new city (still the same state) I moved at the beginning of the year. I've been very homesick. Secondly, I was the last one on the bus today, and I didn't get a good seat so I decided to sit in an open seat and this guy was like "No" and before I could even say a word he grabbed me by the hood and pulled me out of the seat. I was scared, he's a ***** anyways. Thirdly, I won't get to see my close friends next year so I was thinking of making a scrap book and I actually made it, this guy went and bought one and put a lot of stickers and glitter on the front, he stole my idea and he got to use his scrapbook over mine. Fourth, I remembered about this year sitting at a table alone eating lunch and I cracked. I couldn't take it no more. So I just sat in a seat alone holding back the tears and I just couldn't I cried the whole bus ride. But many people were showing me attention. I kept trying to hold back the tears but no, god made them come out. What can I do? Should I just ignore all those people/things that made me cry? (I'm asking what should I do about those things on the bus that happened today. And how can I get close friends in classes?)

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