Friday, March 11, 2011

Guys don't seem interested? But they are nice to me?

I am 16, I am 5'2" 100lbs, black, I love video games, art, rock music, I dress reserved, I am nice to everyone (including mean people), I am outgoing/quiet sometimes, and I am confident. When I talk to guys, they are nice/ look in my eyes when I speak, they seem interested in what I am saying and sometimes they say "Wow, I didn't know you liked (tv show/ music genre).The thing is that these dudes don't say anything EVER again unless I say something. I have a few guy friends who are just naturally chill people (like this guy who sits next to me in class). I have a guy friend who is always nervous and stares and he never talks to me (he's outgoing) unless I talk first. He does seem happy to talk to me/ we email each other a lot. A guy sang to me once, but he is just a nice guy in general. I have only been called cute once but by a guy friend. When I got a makeover, girls became nicer (they were mean), but guys stayed the same. Guys in my class basically will talk to every girl except me. I have seen guys in my school check me out but nothing happens. So what is up with these guys? Or me? It seems like I can only be an acquaintance to most of them. I'm always the first one to talk to them.Help me out

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